劇情簡介 “九一八”事變后,東北軍戰(zhàn)士雙龍所在部隊(duì)遭到日軍殘酷打擊,他僥幸逃脫后被日軍苦苦追捕。走投無路之時(shí),他不得不投靠土匪,卻受到過去同為東北軍某部團(tuán)長鄧殿云所部偽軍的圍剿。在復(fù)雜的斗爭情況下,雙龍通過各種辦法帶領(lǐng)土匪走上了進(jìn)步抗日的道路,并在共產(chǎn)黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,將土匪部改編為抗日山林隊(duì),后收編為東北抗日聯(lián)軍第十軍,雙龍任軍長?! ‰p龍領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的抗聯(lián)部隊(duì)在極端困難的條件下以少勝多,沉重打擊了日本侵略者的囂張氣焰,也成為了日軍的心腹大患??孤?lián)十軍一舉殲滅并摧毀了日本關(guān)東軍“七三一”細(xì)菌部隊(duì)的前身——中馬城。一九三五年,雙龍加入了中國共產(chǎn)黨。為此日軍尾田部不惜出動(dòng)重兵對雙龍的十軍進(jìn)行圍追堵截。由于日軍女特務(wù)的混入,雙龍部隊(duì)駐地被日軍發(fā)現(xiàn),雙龍領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的第十軍陷入敵人的重重包圍之中。面對數(shù)十倍的敵人,十軍戰(zhàn)士拼死頑強(qiáng)奮戰(zhàn),雙龍軍長與日軍戰(zhàn)斗到生命的最后一刻,流盡了最后一滴血。
老四:Master, master is not good, there are many Japanese at the door.老爺:Uh? What are the Japanese doing here?老四:You see! You see!老爺:Ha ha, Tai Jun.劉路:It's me, Dad.Liu Lu老爺:Ah? Liu Lu?Ah! It's really Liu Lu!Damn it, I almost got the wrong guy!I thought you were a real Japanese!Come on, sit, sit, sit!Come and sit.路人:It's Liu Lu coming back ~This kid is really capable.老爺:Son, what's wrong with your nose?劉路:Dad, this is a Japanese mustache.That's what the Japanese do.This is their style.老爺:Oh, Japanese beard.Oh, that's great! What a nice Japanese beard!These two sides are naked, and this Japanese beard is good!劉路:I brought you some bottles of sake.This is Sake.It's not the same taste as our northeast wine.Please have a taste.老爺:Oh, why is this still square?劉路:Dad, when you drink this sake in Japan,It is very particular to make vats out of pine wood.Drink it out of a wooden cup.There is a delicate smell.老爺:OK.This thing is very good.Keep it for my cigarette case.劉路:Dad!老爺:um劉路:Here's a cigarette case.老爺:Ah! This thing is good!Japanese goods are good!You see, everything is exquisite.Son, how have you been these last few years?劉路:It's okay, everything worked out.老爺:OK! That's good.Lao Si!老四:Ah, master.老爺:Go! Tell the cook to cook some good dishes.And make a pig face.The young master likes it best.老四:All right! Yes!劉路:Dad, no need.I have something important to do later.I'm going to our senior Colonel Oda's place.老爺:Oda? Senior Colonel? I Don't think we have such a person here, do we?劉路:Dad, He's my Japanese officer.老爺:Oh, your commanding officer?Hey, son. What is your official position now?劉路:Dad, I'm the captain of the Japanese gendarmerie now.老爺:Oh, captain of the gendarmerie!OK! Hooray!劉路:Dad, in fact, I have long been Japanese.I have become a Japanese citizen!
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